• scarymatter@gmail.com

Ghost Photography

We’ve all seen pictures with ghosts in them. They’re the original photobomb. The ones people claim are evidence of a haunting. Did you know that after the Civil War, people would pay to have their picture taken in the hopes of the spirit of a loved one showing up?

The Anguished Man

The Anguished Man is supposedly one of the most haunted objects around. No one knows the name of the artist that painted it. The backstory is that the artist mixed his blood with the paint and that he committed suicide soon after he painted it…

Richard Cottingham – The Torso Killer

Richard Cottingham did not have the traumatic childhood that’s usually associated with serial killers. He was born in the Bronx and moved to New Jersey when he was 12. He struggled a little after the move, but by high school, he had friends and was more social. He graduated, got a job, got married, and had kids. He appeared to be living a normal life, but was hiding a dark secret – he was a serial killer….

Bang Bang Baby

“What the hell am I watching and why do I like it?” I repeated to myself several times when I watched Bang Bang Baby for the first time. But good or bad, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Sometimes you just need something that doesn’t take itself too seriously…

The Iron Chair

Here’s a lovely piece of furniture that is sure to look good on anyone’s deck or patio. It’s a great conversation starter or designated seat for an in-law. It was used in Medieval Times until around the late 1800s…

Sleep? No Thanks!

As much as the thought of a solid 8 hours of sleep sounds beautiful, it hasn’t happened for me in quite some time. I’ve always bounced between having insomnia or nightmares. Oh well…that’s what coffee is for. But the more horror movies I watch, the more I think that sleep isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…