Horror Story Origins
Hey, horror fans! Let’s face it, horror entertainment is practically a lifestyle. Ever wonder where the first horror stories came from? In my opinion, the answer is simple, religion!
Hey, horror fans! Let’s face it, horror entertainment is practically a lifestyle. Ever wonder where the first horror stories came from? In my opinion, the answer is simple, religion!
The other night I was looking for something to watch and I came across The Raven with Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff. What a great movie! This isn’t Edgar Allen Poe’s Raven. It’s completely different. I’m ashamed to admit that I had never seen it before. (Please don’t yell at me). So I got myself comfortable and hit play. I can’t believe that I’ve missed this one.
Everyone is afraid of something – Whether they admit it or not. Spiders, snakes, heights, and clowns. Things like that. But those things don’t interfere with their lives. When they see something that they’re afraid of, they react for maybe a couple of minutes – then they move along. But that isn’t always the case.
The Hinterkaifeck murders happened in a small town in Bavaria. It was owned by the Gruber family. On March 31, 1922, all six family members were mysteriously murdered.
Halloween is over. Now what? Don’t worry – we have you covered. We started talking and the next thing you know, we were listing our favorite Halloween tv shows.This is the official list of Scary Matter’s favorite episodes:
Can a movie be cursed? There are a bunch of movies that have had horrible accidents on set, and unfortunate deaths after filming. In reality, accidents do happen, and people die every day. However – There have been a bunch of horror movies that are considered “cursed”. And some of the things that happened have been pretty creepy.
On October 31, 1981, Johnny Frank Garret broke into a convent in Texas. The convent was across the street from his house. He raped and murdered seventy-six-year-old Sister Tadea Benz. He was arrested, convicted, and sentenced to death by lethal injection. Garret was seventeen years old when he murdered her.
Does anyone remember Ted the Cadaver? You all know about Slenderman. That’s how Creepypasta got started. Creepypasta’s origins are somewhat of a mystery. The rumor is that it began as spam email, which is much better than the shit I get spammed with!
Have you picked out costumes yet? If you’re like me, you want to be as scary as possible. But if you’re a couple looking to do a theme – a lot of the costumes are either played out or incredibly stupid.